Thursday 28 July 2011

Same place...different time...

As a rule, I almost always have a camera with me. The reasons are plentiful - the light may be perfect, the sunset colours are saturated and vibrant, old friends getting together, etc, etc. More than anything though, I love capturing a time and place - what it looked like, how it felt... I wanted to show a couple of photos from twentythree and how those places look since I originally shot them.

This first photo was taken in Glenora Falls, through the barn window on my parents-in-law's property. It was taken in October 2007. The trees were changing colour and there's a slight blue cast to the image. The second photo was taken last weekend on a bright, sunny summer afternoon. Funnily the hay is higher in the second shot (I guess the rain is good for something).

Glenora Falls, Cape Breton Island, October 2007

Glenora Falls, Cape Breton Island, July 2011

Patience, was originally taken while I was a student in Applied Communication Arts at Nova Scotia Community College in Halifax. The photography assignment was to shoot 'space'. This parking metre was sitting in front of the Chronicle-Herald building, which no longer exists. A couple of weeks ago I quickly snapped the same scene, except the building has been demolished and is slated to become a convention centre.

Patience, Halifax, Nova Scotia

This one really amazes me because no matter how much I wanted to, I could never reshoot it. Maybe the name Patience has even more relevance in this shot.