The morning started on the wrong foot - 2 cameras with dead batteries. What a way to start March 28 - the one day of the month that I take photos for the 12 | 28 photo project. So, I decided to download a couple of apps for my iPhone and charge up my Canon SLR. I had been using my Lumix Panasonic almost exclusively since I received it as a gift for Christmas 2010. Using different cameras ended up being a fun, creative departure from how I usually take photos.
This is the first "test" shot I took of my desk lamp and bamboo.
I love the contrast of colours and the texture of the wall.
Citadel Hill
Downtown Halifax - blue skies...
The Citadel
So cold...
Downtown Halifax...cold, sunny day.
Same photo - 2 ways
I love this shade of orange/red and found it all around the city.
When is the last time you used a pay phone?
Pizza at Morris East - the capricciosa
Do you like arugula?
I made an arugula pesto, which I used as a
dressing on this arugula salad with tomatoes
and goat cheese. Yummy and fresh!
Shadows outside my office.
You'll notice that I played with lots of settings. I highly recommend the app CameraBag. It is $1.99. New York Times says, "If you buy just one filter app, make it CameraBag."
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