Wednesday, 29 February 2012

12 | 28 ... 2/28

Tuesdays are jam packed days: day job, lunch workout class and evening job. For the 2/28 blog post there wasn't a whole lot of veering from my Tuesday schedule so I really had to take notice of my direct surroundings a little bit differently.

This week I've been focusing on fresh, colourful fruit and vegetables to make me feel like spring is close. And I discovered the tastiest oranges - heirloom oranges from Pete's Frootique (Halifax). Juicy & fresh with NO seeds.

Beautiful snowy walk to work.

I've been going to Tuesday lunch workout class for a number of weeks. I noticed the lockers but never really took a close look at the walls, windows and funny stickers.


Teals and purples brighten up a cold February day.

The contents of the vase shown next to the door in the top right changes with the seasons. It's a nice little surprise on my walk to work in the morning.

Morris East restaurant has a wood-fired oven. It's so perfect on a cold winter evening!