In its simplest form twentythree is a coffee table art book. It was originally designed and printed while I was a student at Nova Scotia Community College in the spring of 2006. I printed 2 copies of the book at $50 a book - whoa, expensive!! I even tried getting publishing advice when I was invited to Word on the Street's Atlantic Publisher’s Pitch the Publisher that fall. Word on the Street is a literary festival held in Halifax every September. That didn't go anywhere for me. So, I left twentythree on my bookshelf and other people's bookshelves but I continued writing new questions in my moleskin and shooting lots of photos.
In June 2010, I found myself looking for a new job in graphic design. I decided to do more freelance design work and my own missbrenna projects while working two part-time jobs. It was a busy, balancing act.
It seemed like the perfect time to start working on twentythree and so it became my first missbrenna project. I started with a list of 42 questions and sent them to lots and lots of people - many of whom sent them on to other people. I started receiving responses the day I sent the questions!! As you can imagine - I was thrilled!
twentythree preparations...questions, spreads, post-its, answers, photos... |
I spent most of the fall receiving questions, taking photos and laying out the book. A LOT of time laying out the book. Deciding which questions, responses and photos (I had a folder of 226 images) to include in the book was a bit of a struggle but SO fun. I honestly have never had so much fun working on a project! While working, I listened to all kinds of great music via Grooveshark - Tegan & Sara, Wintersleep, Joel Plaskett, Sarah Harmer, Metric, Girl Talk, Ray LaMontagne, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, as well as CBC Radio 1 & 2...
Finalizing the date of the book launch - Feb 25, 2011 - was great motivation to finish twentythree. The cover of twentythree was decided about 3 weeks before sending it to print! I had talked to a group of friends for their advice on all things twentythree and all of them felt strongly about changing the cover as the original was a bit dark.
Original copy of twentythree |
I completely agreed. But the cover - which photo was going to work? The decision came after creating a going away card for my friends Rebecca & Kent. They were getting ready to travel to South Africa, New Zealand and Australia. I wanted an image that showed life, adventure and fun!
Card I designed for Kent & Rebecca's 56 Adventures trip
I chose the Hula Girl photo for their card. It made perfect sense since the photo was originally taken in their car on our way to Evolve Festival two years earlier. When I got home from their dinner party I sat myself down at the computer and started playing with some cover ideas. I knew as soon as I placed the image of Hula Girl in the cover spread that it was definitely the cover of twentythree! (Kent & Rebecca were delighted).
Cover of twentythree, published February 2011 |
The last photo I shot for twentythree was for the question: What would be the name of your how-to book? A red toolbox, some nice light. Whew! I sent the book to print 3 days later!!
twentythree is a self-published book. The book never, ever would have been possible without its fantastic contributors.
The funny, heartwarming, sad, unique and kinda crazy responses let all of us, for just a moment, step into someone else's shoes.
Lawrencetown Beach, Nova Scotia. Extremely hot day at the end of August | oncoming Hurricane | huge waves. Felt like a kid again. |
Responses to the above question:
What is your favourite (non-sexual) physical sensation? |
In addition to lots of anonymous answers, there are lots of colourful photos. The majority of photos were taken in Nova Scotia, a couple in Prince Edward Island and one in Toronto - it's the only black and white photo in the book. Almost all of the photos in twentythree are available as greeting cards, giclee prints and metallic prints.
twentythree book launch at The Hub, Halifax, Nova Scotia (February 25, 2011) |
The first 100 copies of twentythree sold out in 2 weeks (exciting!!) but I have 150 more arriving around April 13 - just in time for Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, graduation, spring/summer birthdays... Because I'm self-publishing, limited quantities of twentythree are available.